Obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD)

When we think of obsessions, oftentimes we associate them with an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on an individual’s mind. For instance, an individual with an obsession with cleanliness may constantly worry about germs, while an...
Leadership and Transactional Analysis

Leadership and Transactional Analysis

In the second of a two-part blog about corporate culture and conflict at the workplace, we take a look at how communication and leadership through transactional analysis can have an impact on interactions at the office.   Leadership is a key component to the formation...
Tips for Good Mental Health

Tips for Good Mental Health

As we look back on World Mental Health Day last week (10th October 2022), it is important to acknowledge how many of us are affected by mental health – and how difficult it can be to access help. It is vital that we take the time to look after our mental health...
Wholesome Goodness

Wholesome Goodness

When we perform an action, set a boundary or engage with others, our intent in doing so and/or the nature of the thoughts that precede that action is key to how the outcome can be perceived and played out. In Buddhism, the concept of ‘wholesome goodness’...
Divers Reflex

Divers Reflex

Cold Water Immersion – particularly on the face – activates what is known as the Divers Reflex. This is commonly advised as a method for anxiety and stress relief, but how does it actually work? The Divers Reflex is particular to mammals and is an...
Emotional Flashbacks

Emotional Flashbacks

When we think of flashbacks, oftentimes we imagine a specific event that has triggered an involuntary and often painful transport back in time. For example, a war veteran might hear a noise that reminds them of their time in combat, or an individual may see a...


Kintsugi is well known as a beautiful practice in the crafts and visual arts world; broken pottery and ceramics can be put back together often with a shining gold lacquer or resin to fill in cracks. The intention is that flaws are not hidden but celebrated. In fact,...